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What Not to Feed Your Dog: 10 Harmful Foods!


10 Things A Dog Can't Eat: Do you know?

10 Things A Dog Can't Eat: Do you know?

10 Foods You Should Keep Away From Your Dog’s Bowl

There are certain foods that can be harmful to a dog, so we have to be careful about the things that a dog cannot eat.

There are many doubts about our furry friends' diet. For example, there are many people who are not sure if they can eat fruit. We have already discovered that they can and that, for example, apples have many benefits for their health . However, although there are certain foods that we give them and provide them with nutrients, there are many other things that a dog cannot eat. Here we tell you which ones.

dark chocolate

What Not to Feed Your Dog: 10 Harmful Foods!

1. Chocolate

Chocolate is bad for dogs. This is a fact that many people ignore, but should take into account when feeding canines. This is because of the existence of a series of chemical substances (methylxanthines) such as theobromine and caffeine . This could cause vomiting, diarrhea and muscle spasms.

a raw coconut

What Not to Feed Your Dog: 10 Harmful Foods!

2. The coconut

Coconut can be harmful to your dog's digestive system . Likewise, we cannot give them coconut milk since it has high amounts of fat , as well as calories . If we want to include fruit in our dogs' diet, there are many other options, including those from which we can remove the seeds or those that are not citrus fruits.


What Not to Feed Your Dog: 10 Harmful Foods!

3. The avocado

Avocado is another one of those foods that we give our dogs but they can't eat, mainly because it contains persin, a toxin that can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs.

raw onion

What Not to Feed Your Dog: 10 Harmful Foods!

4. The onion

Onions are also not recommended for dogs because in large quantities they can cause anemia. The same can happen with garlic. Both foods can cause gastrointestinal irritation.

raw meat

What Not to Feed Your Dog: 10 Harmful Foods!

5. Raw meat

Just like with raw eggs, it is also not advisable to give them raw meat, for the same reason: they can contain bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli . The most advisable thing if we want to give them meat is to cook it as we would do for ourselves.

6. Nuts

Nuts are also not recommended. Firstly, because some are very small grains and our dog may have problems swallowing them without chewing. And secondly, because their high fat content can cause vomiting, diarrhoea and even related diseases such as pancreatitis.

7. Coffee

Just like chocolate, which is very dangerous for dogs, coffee contains the same toxic substance: methylxanthines . While it is unlikely that anyone would give coffee to their dog, you should be careful that your dog does not find coffee beans at home.

8. Raw eggs

It should be noted that what we do not eat, our dogs should not eat either. This is the case of raw eggs, which are potentially dangerous for the health of a human, and of course, for that of a dog. Specifically, they could cause problems in the skin and fur of your pet , in addition to the possibility of exposing them to bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli.

9. Milk and dairy products

It is also very important to note that a dog should not drink milk or anything containing milk. It is very common to give cheese to dogs, since they tend to like it, but we should not. We must remember that humans and cats are the only mammals that tolerate milk as adults .

10. Licorice

In humans, licorice can have many health benefits due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Above all, it is beneficial for our digestive system. However, this is not the case for our dogs. In them, and especially if we give them large quantities, nutraceutical extracts can cause muscle damage and kidney problems.

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Meet Sarah, a passionate dog lover and experienced pet care writer. With over 10 years of experience working with dogs of all breeds, Sarah combines her love for animals with her expertise to provide helpful, insightful, and fun content for fellow dog enthusiasts. When she's not writing, you can find her volunteering at animal shelters, training her own dog, or exploring the outdoors with her furry companions. Sarah is dedicated to sharing her knowledge to help every dog lead a happy and healthy life.

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