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Greyhound vs Podenco: Which Breed Is Right for You?

Greyhound vs Podenco: Which Breed Is Right for You?
Greyhound vs Podenco: Which Breed Is Right for You?

Greyhound vs Podenco: A Deep Dive into Two Unique Breeds  

In this article we discus Greyhounds vs podencos dog breeds.

Greyhounds and podencos are slim, slender and have a very strong hunting instinct. However, they also have differences as different dog breeds.

In Spain, dogs are the pets par excellence. There are many dog ​​breeds that we can see, including the greyhound and the podenco, which may seem very similar, but, however, they also have their differences. Thus, if you are interested in knowing what the greyhound and the podenco have in common and how they differ , here we will talk about their different physical and personality traits so that you become a true expert on dogs.

Main differences between a greyhound and a podenco

Greyhound vs Podenco: Which Breed Is Right for You?

Greyhound vs Podenco: Which Breed Is Right for You?

The greyhound

First of all, it should be noted that there are different types of greyhounds . There are the Afghan greyhound, the Arabian greyhound, the Azawakh greyhound, the Scottish greyhound, the Scottish greyhound, the Hungarian greyhound, the English greyhound, the Italian greyhound, the Persian greyhound, the Russian greyhound, the whippet (small greyhound), and the wolfhound or Irish greyhound.

The Greyhound Dog Breed: Ancient Origins

Their origins are quite ancient. And for a long time they were used for hunting hares, thanks to their speed, they were even used for hunting wolves or gazelles. We cannot forget that they are considered the fastest dogs in the world. For this reason, they also began to be used for racing.

The Greyhound Dog Breed: Physical Characteristics

As for their physical characteristics, we find that greyhounds have a very stylized body from head to tail (much more than podencos). As for the average height, they usually measure between 69 and 76 cm; and weigh between 27 and 32 kilos. The greyhound's snout is more stylized and fine, and its nose is always black, as are its lips. Its eyes are almond-shaped and with a dark or light brown tone. Their necks are long and their ears are folded in half. The thorax is high and its coat is of very varied colors.

The Greyhound Dog Breed: Personality

As for their personality: they are usually calm and affectionate dogs with their family, as well as sociable with other dogs. However, they can also be quite shy.

Greyhound vs Podenco: Which Breed Is Right for You?

Greyhound vs Podenco: Which Breed Is Right for You?

The podenco

As in the case of greyhounds, we find that podencos are dogs of ancient origins and traditionally used for hunting due to their innate abilities. In fact, the podenco is a canine breed capable of tracking small mammals such as hares or rabbits, and even large animals such as deer. In the same way, they also have a great predisposition for sport and racing.

It should also be noted that there are different variants of the podenco. They are the following: Cirneco dell'Etna; Canarian podenco, Ibizan podenco, Pharaoh hound and Portuguese podenco.

The Podencos Dog Breed: Physical Characteristics

As for their physical characteristics: the podenco has a less stylized body than the greyhound; with respect to their height, they are usually taller than greyhounds , although not by much (and the weight is usually quite similar); their snout is truncated towards the base; the truffle is small too, but in the case of podencos it can be flesh-colored, brown or pink; their eyes are oblique and amber-colored; their lips are thin and flesh-colored; the neck is much less long than in the case of greyhounds; the ears are pointed and upright; their thorax is less elevated and the coat has a more specific-colored fur, and their belly is less pronounced.

The Greyhound Dog Breed: Personality

Regarding their personality: they are affectionate with the family, friendly with children, very friendly in general and even with strangers, and therefore, much less shy than greyhounds.

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