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Is Your Dog Crying A Lot? Here's What It Could Mean!

dog crying

Why Does My Dog ​​Cry A Lot?

Understanding Your Dog’s Crying: Causes and Solutions  

Canine crying is characterized by long, repetitive moans and barks. This can occur for many different reasons, especially in puppies.

In Spain, of the 13 million registered pets (according to data from the Spanish Network for the Identification of Companion Animals), it is estimated that 89% of the data are dogs . One of the reasons why we choose dogs as our faithful companions is because they are very social animals that develop a great bond of trust with us. Their expressions of emotions can come to resemble our own, such as crying. However, there are cases in which it seems that our dog is in continuous suffering... In this case the question would be: why does my dog ​​cry a lot? Here we try to give a simple answer, applicable in many cases to puppies.

 Causes Of Your Dog Crying:

1. You leave home

First of all, your dog is very likely to cry when you leave home. This is what is called separation anxiety . What happens here is that the dog experiences an attachment disorder and therefore feels bad (stressed, frustrated, in danger...) if it is not with its owner. This usually happens because it was not properly trained as a puppy or because it was separated from its mother too early.

2. He wants something

In many other cases, crying is a way of communicating a need . For example, your dog may cry because he wants something as simple as having his bowl filled with food or being taken for a walk. In any case, it must be taken into account that this is not a "healthy" way of asking for things, and therefore, it may be that the animal is not feeling well or that, in general, his needs are not usually met.

3. He wants to attract attention

Thirdly, this practice can be common as a way of getting attention. This obviously occurs after a typical learning of classical conditioning: the dog has learned that if it cries, you pay attention to it. However, we must avoid this, since it is not psychologically healthy behavior either.

4. He is afraid or nervous

It should also be noted that, just like people, dogs can cry because they are experiencing negative feelings . For example, it may be the case that the dog was not properly socialized as a puppy and now experiences fear and nervousness in any situation as simple as meeting someone it does not know. This should be avoided with good training during the first few months. In any case, beyond this, the dog may feel fear due to many other bad experiences and therefore, we must take care of it and try to reduce its suffering.

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Meet Sarah, a passionate dog lover and experienced pet care writer. With over 10 years of experience working with dogs of all breeds, Sarah combines her love for animals with her expertise to provide helpful, insightful, and fun content for fellow dog enthusiasts. When she's not writing, you can find her volunteering at animal shelters, training her own dog, or exploring the outdoors with her furry companions. Sarah is dedicated to sharing her knowledge to help every dog lead a happy and healthy life.

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